Create a wrapper script for tla2tex.TeX (part of tlatools), put it onto $PATH and name it
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Open up LyX and create two new "File Formats" under Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Formats:
Format: LaTeX (tla2tex)
Short name: tla2tex
Extensions: tex
Format: PDF (tla2tex)
(Check "Document format", "Show in export menu", "Vector graphics format")
Short name: pdf4tla2tex
Extensions: pdf
Shortcut: T
Viewer: qpdfview --unique
Also create two new LyX "Converters" under Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Converters:
From/To: LaTeX (plain) -> LaTeX (tla2tex)
Converter: $$o $$i
From/To: LaTeX (tla2tex) -> PDF (tla2tex)
Converter: pdflatex $$i
Extra flag: latex=pdflatex
Afterwards run Tools > reconfigure and restart LyX. TLA+ statements can then be included in LyX documents
inside LyX's within a "tla" or "pcal"
environment provided the document's LaTeX preamble declares a \usepackage{tlatex} as explained in the
and be exported via File > Export > PDF (tla2tex):
(* A standard definition of spec. *)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)
Ideally, the excerpts were sourced from the .tla file directly so that one wouldn't need to copy&paste parts of a specification into the .tex document. Someone might want to look into This. The ![catchfilebetweentags] ( packages seems to be a viable candidate.
An incompatibility with the algorithm2e package surfaced that screws up \ref pointing to a \label whichis attached to a section/subsection. If secnumdepth is set to be lower than the label'ed section/subsection, the \ref fails to show the number of the parent secton if interleaved with a TLA+/PlusCal algorithm. Instead, it shows the last line number of the interleaved algorithm. If anybody cares about it, the .tex below reproduces it.
\@x{ Line}%
\@x{ Line}%
\@x{ Line}%
\chapter{Broken Ref Below}
\ref{subsec:subsection} <= incorrectly shows last line number of
algorithm instead of ``1.1''.
\item If line numbers are omitted (no \textbackslash{}LinesNumbered in Preamble),
the bug disappears.
\item If secnumdepth includes subsections, the bug disappears.