I am going to co-present two talks at this year's EclipseCon Europe in Ludwigsburg in October. The first talk is titled "Discover Remote OSGi Services" and Wim and I will show the latest and greatest of ECF's implementation of OSGi remote services.
The current state of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is intimidating. The set of standards invented to "make your life easier" has been growing like wildfire: xml, soap, wadl, widl, wsdl, rest, bics, wxscm, sscm, web.xml, ramp, etcetera etcetera.
On top of these protocols you can use a wealth of tooling and frameworks to such an extend that even you, the tech, don't know what is going on...
Sometimes you wish that remote services were simple. Just implement an API, expose this API as a service in your OSGi runtime and let network clients use this implementation. If you could only focus on the meat and not on the infrastructure then you could be on your way to solve your business problems instead of solving configurations.
This talk explains how the ECF project will take your existing OSGi service and promote it to a network service. The network service will be peer to peer or it will be registered with a discovery server and advertised to any interested clients. The clients then can use the service as if it was a local service. ECF has implemented the new OSGi RSA specification in order to achieve this.
ECF committers Markus Kuppe and Wim Jongman will entertrain you on this remote services discovery tour which will include live coding. We will demonstrate how to promote an OSGi service to a remote service. Together we will build a simple remote service and see how all the remote services will be consumed by our client.
"Become a Eclipse Committer in 20 min and fork the Eclipse IDE" with Lars shows how easy and straightforward contributing to Eclipse actually can be. This talk will focus less on the process but dive into the technical aspects working with 'org.eclipse' code instead. Even if you are a (downstream) consumer of Eclipse code you should attend the talk though. What I learned throughout various consultancy gigs is that you want to be able to fix bugs in Eclipse code rather than clumsily work around it. Here's the excerpt:
The Eclipse SDK is available via Git and the common build infrastructure allows to build your own Eclipse IDE. Join this talk to learn how you can checkout the Eclipse IDE source code, modify it, commit your changes and build the Eclipse SDK using CBI and Maven / Tycho.
If you follow the approach described in this talk can learn how to build your own Eclipse IDE flavor to test your own developments before contributing them back to Eclipse.
Unfortunately, the program committee decided that software verification does not really fit into the overall theme of the conference and rejected my talk on TLA+ named "From the Ivory Tower to Eclipse - Model checking made easy". Well, maybe next time...