eclipsecon 2007 is already over and i'd like to do a short résumé of this event. this summary is more personal than these numbers though. after countless talks, bofs, receptions and conversations with many different and interesting people i'm totally exhausted and nearly incapable of absorbing more information. fortunately the last event of the day was rather social than a technical. the eclipse foundation represented by ralph mueller invited to one more reception for the european eclipse community. apparently europe expends across the atlantic, since some folks from north america showed up as well. but hey, we're tolerant people. on the technical side it is impossible to summarize everything, but i'll try to sum things up i just a few sentences: osgi is the next big thing in java world which is gaining a lot of momentum nowadays. nearly all the major companies started to build their products on top of osgi (except for the obvious ones, sun and microsoft) ;). aside from that, everybody is excited about jazz ibms new and, according to the masses, cool development tool, which is supposed to cover all aspects of a development process. the role model for the jazz process seems to be the taken from the eclipse process. no surprise since the minds behind jazz work with eclipse too.
i'm looking forward to meeting all of you again at eclipsecon 2008 and thanks to the people who made this event happen. :)