Install Groovy script plug-in via Jenkin UpdateCenter
Create a new Jenkins job and name it e.g. zPluginCheck
Set to “Build periodically” with a reasonable schedule (once a day?!)
Add “E-Mail notification” as a post build action
Add an “Execute system Groovy script” build step:
// Explicitly checking for updates works only with Jenkins >= 1.501 // Not available in LTS release :( // //hudson.model.Hudson.instance.updateCenter.getSiteList().each( // {hudson.model.UpdateSite s -> s.doInvalidateData() // println(s.isDue())}) //hudson.model.Hudson.instance.updateCenter.updateAllSites() def updates = [] hudson.model.Hudson.instance.pluginManager.plugins.inject(updates) { List toUpdate, p -> if(p.hasUpdate()) { toUpdate << "${p.longName}/${p.shortName}:${p.version}" } toUpdate }.inspect() if(!updates.empty) { println(updates) throw new hudson.AbortException("Found available updates.") }