Austria: http://www.edis.at/de/server/colocation/oesterreich/raspberrypi/ (send in - hosting for free)
Netherlands****: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1247549 (send in or buy a Pi - IPv6 hosting for free, IPv4 ~2,5€)
Sweden: https://fsdata.se/server/raspberry-pi-colocation/ (send in - hosting for free, only Swedish customers accepted)
Netherlands: http://raspberrycolocation.com/home/ (send in or buy a Pi (takes ~90 days), hosting for free)
Belgium: http://www.fusa.be/en/hosting/special_colocation (send in, 15€ setup, 1,5€ monthly)
Australia: http://www.micron21.com/raspberrypi-colocation.php (send in, $10 IPv4 + data plan starting at $20)
UK: http://www.retrosnub.co.uk/raspberrycolo (send in, hosting £2,50/month)
http://shop.pi3g.com/ sells ready to use Pis and delivers them to PCExtreme directly.